
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Lots of Projects - No Quilts

 My sewing machine has been busy but not with quilting projects. 

For Christmas, I bought American Girl dolls for two of my granddaughters that love to play with my old dolls. 

What they love about my old dolls are all the clothes I have for them that were made by my mom or me. I'm hoping to start teaching some sewing with dolls clothes soon. Kate is 5 and I think I was about that age when I got involved in sewing. I had to do hand stitching for several years before I got to use a sewing machine.

I have two neices I made doll clothes for many, many years ago so I already have a stash of doll patterns. I mentioned using the leftover cuddle fabric from their quilts to make coats. Wow...they loved that idea. It was a little challenging with the thick plush and I had to have the vacuum right by my much shedding when you cut that fabric.

My next idea for the dolls was to make cases for them. I googled for a pattern and of course found one. Even was a PDF download. Instant gratification.

I made several changes because I wanted to use By Annie products like Soft and Stable .

I didn't add the straps for the backpack but it will be pretty easy to add if they want it.

I now need to make one more coat and case for Kara's doll. 

For years I have been seaching for a new robe. I get too hot wearing robes made with  synthetic fabrics so I finally decided to make one. I've made robes before but the last one I made prior to 1998...the year we moved to Alaska. I still had that pattern and I knew that it fit great so I dug it out. 

The biggest challenge was searching for fabric. I bought a gray plaid flannel fabric about two years ago at JoAnns and then the pink check flannel about a year ago. Surprisingly, JoAnns had a line of Eddie Bauer flannels that were really nice. Currently our JoAnns is a disaster with the filing of bankruptcy. 

I love my new robe. I have enough of the pink flannel to make some pajama bottoms. Hopefully I will tackle that project soon.

I felt bad that I didn't make my grandson a pillowcase for Christmas and then remembered a friend had gifted me some aviation themed fabrics last fall. One piece was exactly 27-inches long...the perfect length. I had a couple of batik fabrics in my stash that were great companion fabric matches.

My current Bucilla project is a set of ornaments that match Kara's unicorn stocking.

There are two more ornaments to finish the set. 

I finished the last set of animals in the, "Noah and Company," set of patterns! The copy right date on the patterns is 1998. I think I bought them on eBay around 2000.

The set included Noah

and Mrs. Noah, which actually stitched up pretty quickly.

Here's all the pieces together. I will eventually finish them as ornaments. I have a space in mind for display next  Christmas.

I treated myself to a project bag made by the seller, Kreative Carol, on Etsy.

I paid $128 for it and I love it!  I really appreciate all the great work that went into the bag.

She makes the bags as they are ordered so I got this about three weeks after I ordered it. 

It also had a thread bed, a little folder to throw loose threads on and clip closed.

No critter photos but a little look at life in Alaska.

Kate had her 5th birthday the first week of January. Her other grandparents live on a lake in Anchorage that is a fly-in community. In the summer the planes are on floats, in the winter the planes are on skiis. So....not only are the other grandparents "plane people" like us, they are also big snowmachine and four wheeler enthusiasts. Kate's party was at their house and the kids were invited to bring their little snow machines and four wheelers to spin around the lake. 

This photo was taken about 4 p.m. It was a pretty day. 

The next day it warmed up and rained...snow gone...icy roads.

We've had a terrible winter...very little snow...yet Texas and Arkansas are getting snow. Everyone is pretty grumpy they can't play with their snow toys. We put the skiis on one of our planes and I think it has only been flown a handful of times by our son this year. Disappointing.