Sunday, September 1, 2024

August…How Can It Be Gone?

 Wow…I know time flies but really…what happened to August?

The weather was gloomy…totally typical for August in our part of the world. 

It was confirmed again this past month…I am primarily a topper when it comes to quilting. More tops finished…no quilting of any tops. I did start quilting a top yesterday that has been loaded on my frame since early July.

I finished three tops that are for my granddaughters. I snagged the fabric and panels on a close out sale at my local quilt shop. Little ballerinas. I’ve ordered cuddle fabric to back all the lap sized tops.

I have enough fabric to make pillow cases for the girls too!

I finished Kara's stocking that will hang at her other grandmother's house. That grandma is an amazing sugar cookie decorator so that's what led me to pick this kit from my stash. This is a kit from 2009, "Santa's Sweet Shop."

I had a fun Christmas print in my stash for the lining.

Instead of putting her name on the stocking, this kit has it on an ormanent that hangs with the stocking.

Some details. Lots of satin stitching but in small bites so I didn't mind it too much. I tacked the gingerbread men and other sweets in the basket so they won't get lost over the years.

My other handwork project for evenings has consistently been a Noah's Ark cross stitch series. 
Two more animal sets finshed. 



My grandson was at the house to visit when it dawned on me to check the stash of baby things from when my boys were young and found several smocked coverall sets I had made. Here's Austin wearing one of them. Fits great!

The one thing I did do very well in August was spend time with all of my grandkids.
Kara and Kate are with one of their three chickens. Kate, the oldest, carries that chicken around like she's a baby doll. The other chickens don't really like getting picked up but this little red hen does.

I had a memorable visit with a bull moose.
 I caught sight of him strolling along my garden while sitting at my computer. 

I was standing inside my dog run which has a 6ft tall fence.

Since I was charged by a moose cow earlier this summer...I've been more cautious.

My dogs slept through the entire episode.

It was amazing to get such a close look at the velvet on his antlers.

Heading to the Alaska state fair tomorrow. I went two weeks ago but I was with Kate who is four and she didn't want to spend as much time looking at all the quilts as I needed. I did well, blue ribbons on the three quilts I entered.