Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Brief Hope About Forrest

In our little town of Eagle River, Alaska, a home was found to be full of dogs and birds on was something right out of the show "Hoarding." Over 35 dogs and 50 birds were in the house. Most of the dogs were Chihuahuas. Sunday night on the 10 o'clock news I saw the flash of a Bernese Mountain Dog being taken out of the home. I immediately hoped it was Forrest who has been missing since July. Since the animals are now evidence for a criminal case the animal shelter wouldn't release information about the animals but a savvy electronic person was able to pull single frames from the news footage and I was able to get a better look at the's not Forrest. Darn! Double Darn!

Still hoping.
Walks always help.

We did get our walk in yesterday because it warmed up to -7F. I don't know what it warmed up to today but I'm pretty sure it was still subzero...but sunny!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

we had a story about someone hoarding animals here in Arkansas too, the house was full of cats over 70 of them and there were dogs behind the house and even horses, all were malnourished and I believe they said the house was so infested with cats that it would have to be tore down that the smell was unbelievable.
Sorry the dog wasn't yours.

Sand and Sunshine said...

Oh what a heart wrenching moment for you, I teared up for you. Take care.