Tuesday, February 1, 2011

UFO Challenge

What a blast the UFO Challenge is!
Here's my #6
Good Tidings Banner
18 x 35 1/4
Pattern-Joined at the Hip Hanging by a Star Good Tidings

I got very lucky and had any easy one to tackle in January.
This just needed the top-stitching around the fusible applique and to be quilted and bound.
My mother-in-law gave me the banner kit as a gift about 4 years ago. So adorable. It sat for 2 years until I put it together. So glad to have it done and ready for Christmas 2011.

And here is what I get to work on in February
#10 is what is currently called Hawaii Batik
I bought the fabric at my favorite quilt shop in Lihue, Kaui

The top was "done" by the pattern standards and then I decided to make it longer so it could be a lap size. I got as far as taking off one row and I ordered more fabric to finish. All of the batiks are Hoffman so I'm fortunate I was still able to find the fabric to finish it because I'm pretty sure I've had this fabric over 5 years. I got lucky again since this one won't take too much to finish it.


Karen S said...

Wow! That batik quilt is gorgeous!

I hope your doggie is better.

Carol said...

How fun to have a project done for Christmas so early! Your project for February is gorgeous!

kwiltnkats said...

Now that's a cute Christmas banner that I've not seen before. I'll bet there is a bottle of champagne in the box that's bubbling inside celebrating your UFO #6 completion! You are indeed lucky to find exact fabrics after 5 years. Looking forward to seeing your UFO #10 progress.

Beth@IHaveANotion.com said...

Now put the banner where you will have it for next year... since all the decorations are probably put away... it will reside in some dark closet only to be remembered midway through the season!!! I know the script well, very well. BTW it's beautiful.

JudyCinNC said...

The batik quilt colors are wonderful - and I love the Christmas completion.

dq said...

Thanks for the comment on my finished UFO. I really like your Christmas stocking and good luck with #10.

Jo said...

My #6 was a big project and #10 is easy....I am so liking getting these projects finished. Your projects look fun.

Tizzie said...

Congratulations on the UFO finish!

The batik quilt is beautiful! I've alway loved that color combination...

Donna~~ said...

Your banner is cute! Love the colors on your #10--lucky you could find the fabric you needed.

Heather said...

This is the best time to work on Christmas projects, I think. It's still fresh in your mind, but the hustle and bustle are over so you can enjoy the process! Love your little banner, and can't wait to see your progress on the batik!

Quilter Kathy said...

How great that you have a new decoration for the Christmas season already finished! Love the next UFO that you are going to work on!

BetsyE said...

I like how it appears to have curved piecing! Congrats!

Dionne said...

Your banner is wonderful. And I love your #10!

swooze said...

I like your Hawaii Batik. Is that your own pattern?

Anonymous said...

COngrats on the finish - and good luck with no. 10 - those batiks are gorgeous!