There is a fun little blog parade being hosted over at Laugh Love Quilt. Like all the participants I have more than a handful of pincushions that I use regularly.
This Hat Pincushion holds various needles for hand work.
These little China men hold my large quilt pins and a few tiny applique pins.
Here's the main work horse. I picked this pincushion up at my favorite quilt shop in Hawaii on the island of Kauai, Kapaia Stitchery.
These are my little Eskimo ladies...I had to have an Alaskan pincushion.
This one is strictly for my machine needles. I used this mainly when working with clothing...mostly the needles are only used for a few minutes and ready for the next job.
Another work horse...the pincushion and thread catcher combo. Love this! A gift from my mother-in-law.
My most recent that I made to match my lime green scissors.
The idea came from a book by Nancy Halvorsen. I'd love to have all of these...just never get around to making them!
There are so many cute pincushions in this book that I want to make that apparently I bought the book twice. I think that's the only time I have done that with books. Sew very fun. Hope you enjoyed this part of the parade.
I rarely use a pin cushion, yours are so cute and original looking. I have a magnetic bowl on the table by the sewing machine and a little tin can that mints used to be that goes with hand work. I might have to think about making a cushion.
Hi, i like all! But i Loved the one with the little chinese dolls... And the thread catcher is great!
Have a nice day
Love that organized pincushion holding machine needles. Brilliant. Funny to have bought that book twice! LOL...something I would do!
What a great and fun post. I used to be a magnet girl until a friend bought me a chicken pin cushion on a trip to Hawaii, and I must say I thought she was just a little bit crazy. I was so wrong. Pincushions when dropped bounce and keep all the pins in unlike the magnets... Besides now I can ask family members to please pass me my chicken.
I love your geographic pincushions, what a fun idea. The tomato pincushion labeled for various sewing machine needles is brilliant! I'm going to copy it, for sure!
What a great pin cushion collection! I love your idea for the machine needles. I tend to lose track of mine when I do have to switch them out, so I'll keep this in mind for sure. The thread-catcher is a GREAT idea, too!
Hello Princess...LOVE that!!!! I bopped around your blog and really like your style of writing! Thanks for sharing your part of this fabulous parade! Stay warm!!! I too stay home in the company of my two dogs! Wonderful!!!!
Decent work!
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